The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Cool Facade

I didn't see mummy all day today, I assumed she wasn't well or just being a sleepy head but she's away getting me a new pet.

At least I think that's what she's doing, daddy says she's in a hamster dam - I've ordered one with a fuzzy head and spots!

I missed mummy a lot but I played it cool, she couldn't have been far away as there was a steady supply of milk all day! She best come home soon - I've saved up a load of hugs and kisses for her.

Granny and Granda came to look after me while daddy lost at rugby. Again. He needs to get back in that gym more often. I went down to Fort Matilda for moral support and showed off all my best tricks; smiling, sleeping and more smiling. Chicks dig smiling.

Granny did my bath and laughed when I showed her how good I am at eating sponges, jumping and splashing.

Auntie Kim and Uncle Lewis brought me a new story book about a rabbit with pop up friends. I'm going to show it to my new hamster tomorrow.

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