
By OldTimer

Wasp nest

Well this morning up early to make scones for morning tea at Church. Fabulous sunrise so thought Blip in the bag. This afternoon a beekeeper nephew arrived up to see if I would take a photo for him I said "Yes of Course" and then found it was to be of a wasps nest and as I am super allergic to stings was a bit apprehensive but was assured the wasp was too busy nest building to be worried about stinging me.
It was awesome to see this beautiful thing even though they are the menace of the beekeepers world. It was building its nest on the roof of a shed inside. The wasp was so busy going away and getting bark off a tree to build its nest with and coming back into the shed and busily putting what he had brought back onto the walls of his nest. You can see the eggs already growing and look closely you will see the outline of the wasp in the egg.
I couldn't use my macro as had to extend my tripod too far and it would not stay steady with my heavy lens at a funny angle. Nothing for it but to hand hold, not so easy at that angle. The wasp was so busy that the front of his body was working at an amazing rate so the head part is not exactly sharp but am not sure that a tripod would have helped that.

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