How the light gets in

By sarahkerr

A very strange mascot...

Apologies for the lack of blip yesterday; we were busy working in the garden with a hole borer setting up the paddock fencing. As I'm only 5 foot 2, the hole borer was as tall as me, so my whole body is still sore. Also feeling a little despondent about my photography at the moment, so needed a day's break away to remember that I take shots because I like them, and that they don't have to be award-winning!

This afternoon we went to watch the Tasman Makos against Counties Manakau. Although the Makos played pretty badly, we got to see Sonny Bill Williams play for Counties. If you've never heard of him I suggest you google him - he's very interesting and also quite attractive...

Anyway, this is the Mako shark, Tasman's mascot. If I were the little girl in this shot, I'd be bawling with fear, so she's pretty brave in my books!

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