Friday Foto

By drmackem

Man On The Street

Full day today in Newcastle catching up with the lovely Beth.

I joined her and others for lunch at the homeless project she works in on a Saturday. The food was good and I had such a good time sharing lunch with the guys who were on good form, telling their stories, chatting about music and laughing and despite their problems hanging on to a hope. Unlike the Dylan lyric of the day from Man on The Street

Well, I'll sing you a song, it ain't very long
About an old man, he never done wrong
How he died nobody can say
They found him dead in the street one day

And the crowd, they gathered one fine morn
At the man whose clothes 'n' shoes were torn
There on the sidewalk he did lay
They stopped an' stared and they went their way

Well, the policeman come and he looked around
"Get up, old man, or I'm takin' you down"
He jabbed him once with his billy club
The old man then rolled off the curb

Well, he jabbed him again and loudly said
"Call the wagon, this man is dead"
The wagon come, they loaded him in
I never saw the man again

Well, I've sung you my song, it ain't very long
About an old man who never done wrong
How he died nobody can say
They found him dead in the street one day

Bob Dylan

Had a look around Gunter Von Hagens Body Worlds Vital Exhibition - utterly compelling and a reminder that we are fearfully and wonderfully made - more than we can fathom.

Finished the day off with a trip to the theatre to see Two Gentleman of Verona one of the Bards weakest I agree(the ending is the kind of nonsense I'd create with a minute to go in an English exam), but delightfully and entertainingly presented by the RSC.

A day of dignity, hope, wonder and farce.

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