
By colibaby

New York here we come!

I'm sure Mr H could have had an alternative career, as his planning and secrecy skills for special birthday & anniversary surprises over the years could no doubt be put to a much more sinister use:)

But today in celebration of my big birthday, and his still to come in a few weeks, he led us a merry dance, (me and Miss H)all the way to the boarding gate at Heathrow before knowing we were New York-bound.

A short sleep on the flight for me, despite Spiderman 2's best efforts, then another wee nap once we reached our lovely room at the Waldorf Towers before risking the wrath of the yellow cab driver by only giving a 50 cent tip. So next surprise, the closing film at the NY Film Fest - Birdman - which I loved (in a sleepy kind of way).

On the way back, the nightlife of NY was happening all around - but time for bed zzzzz

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