The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Tony Wright - Live At The Fuel Club

The gig we almost never went to see ... and what a shame that would have been!

Dawn has done something to her back, and has been pretty much wiped out today. She spent most of the morning in bed, but a combination of cups of tea, painkillers and some TLC from me helped her get back on her feet. She really wanted to go to this gig tonight. We hadn't pre-booked tickets as it was always if we felt like it gig.

I should probably explain at this juncture who Tony Wright is. He is the former front man of Terrorvision. Terrorvision had a big moment in the sun in the early to mid nineties with a string of hit singles and a cracking album How Make Friends And Influence People. He was touring on the back of an acoustic album he had released, but the promotional stuff promised some Terrorvision songs re-imagined and as you had never heard them before.

Dawn was a big Terrorvision fan and was keen enough to get off her sick bed and get down to Cardiff. I made sure we were there late enough so she wouldn't have to stand too long.

We had an absolute blast. I've not been to Fuel since it moved to Womanby Street. So it was great adding a new venue to my gigging list.

Tony played a great set, mixing the new stuff with the Terrorvision brilliantly. It was great hearing songs like Tequila played acoustically, along with other classics, culminating with Alice? What's The Matter? The new stuff was excellent and we ended up buying the album. He was a great front man and the complete opposite of the Jake Bugg soulless affair on Sunday. I love watching music in a small venue, and we have a few more lined up before Christmas.

Dawn managed to get a photo with Tony at the end of the gig.

I haven't seen her smile so much in ages, she said she was transported back to her teenage years, which is pretty much how I feel every time I see Maiden live.

I've put some photos up on Flickr for you, if you want to see.

A top, top night out!

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