The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Tight Ship

My daddy tries to run a tight ship, he had a strict timetable of feeds and naps and he was sticking to it pretty well for a beginner. I put a spanner in his works by practicing my screaming at half2 and half5 last night. Eli 2 - Daddy 0.

I went to the hospital to see my great granny's new knee this afternoon, it was swell ;) I showed her my standing up skills so she's got a head start for physio tomorrow.

Mummy is the peekaboo champion of the world, she hid on Friday and popped up at the airport tonight when I least expected it. I gave her a few smiles and some chatter and she sang me terrible songs. Daddy had me back home and in bed right on schedule! Eli - 2, Daddy - 1. Mummy out of the game!

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