With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Finally made it to the Doctor's this morning and had the customary loooong wait. Dr Peris has retired and I will miss him, he was always great to talk to, but the new chappy seems very good and is not one to hold back on the chat either. I've now got a pile of prescriptions, but I'm going to maybe be a bit selective in what I take. (Hope he's not reading this)

Then the usual busy afternoon teaching followed. I was greeted in Deia by two very cheeky young ladies fully made up, rouge, lipstick and all. They were not reallly in the mood for much reading.

I took a sneaky detour on the way home via the lighthouse, risking the tyres on the bumpy Sa Muleta. There was no light, and I seemed to have picked up a smudge on the lens. Ah well, carrilleras, (pigs' cheeks) for tea. I kid you not.

two versions here

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