
This morning I caught the train with mr isbi and our good friend Wally to Broken Hill. On MonoMonday:Emotions this in itself is rather emotional (as in "nostalgic") as during the last couple of years the three of us have had two wonderful trips by train through Russia and Mongolia.

As this train does not stop at Blackheath we had to to catch the 7:12 to Katoomba (10km away) where we waited an hour for our connection. Unlike Russian trains which are punctual to the second, it was running half an hour late.

On finally boarding, mr i and I found ourselves sitting in front of one of those people who seem to believe the sole purpose of public transport is the opportunity to strike up a conversation with someone.
The gentleman immediately launched into his life story and we feared it wasn't going to end until we reached Broken Hill 13 hours later. Fortunately his victim, a young solicitor, disembarked at Bathurst after 1&1/2 hours. Relative peace descended until we arrived in Parkes a couple of hours later and an elderly lady boarded. She was a bit more savvy and her remarks of "yeeees", "reeeeally" and "pardon" subdued him somewhat.

By now you are probably wondering what this has to do with Skeena's MonoMonday theme of "emotions".

Well, at one stage he cornered Wally and discovered that his parents had fled Soviet Russia in the 1930's. "Oh yes" he declared knowingly "escaping from the Tsar". I managed to capture Wally's reaction but was unsure of the emotion - incredulity? disbelief? irritation? annoyance?

I asked him tonight and he immediately came up with the emotion which was eluding me: "bullshit".

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