A Silver Rose

This week's Weekly Blip Challenge theme is Serendipity. According to the font of all knowledge, Wikipedia, it is a "fortunate happenstance" or "pleasant surprise". Given this definition it is pretty hard to plan an image that you are going to take so the only thing for it was to go out for a walk even though it was pouring with rain outside.

Walking through the cemetery that looks onto Edinburgh Castle the trees were all looking sad as the leaves started to fall and I was feeling totally uninspired until out of the corner of my eye I spotted a single rose bush over a grave which had a beautiful pink rose blossoming.

This reminded me of a podcast I had watched a few months earlier which showed how to convert a photo taken outdoors so that it has a perfect black background so with this piece of good fortune I was able to snap the rain-drop soaked flower and try out a technique I had been wanting to do for a few months.

To see how it is done, go to the Martin Bailey Photography website and it is podcast 435. You need to have Silver Efex Pro which I know at least a couple of the members of the challenge group have and I would really recommend it if you don't.

Who knows if this will be my entry for the week - there could be many fortunate happenstances before then!

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