shadow of a buddha

having daydreamed myself into missing my ferry stop on the way back to the guesthouse i found myself in thewes and a nice wander back along to where i should have surprise there...and then there was this temple, also as you would kind of expect here...if the quality is a bit iffy its due to the camera struggling at 3200 iso...actually i think i took some better and probably more characteristic stuff also but a change is as good as a rest they say...although at the moment i would settle for a good nights sleep...

and something has changed here, not the reghettofication of the khao san but tonight, looking for a hat just in case mine finally wears through the last threads and falls apart on me, the crowds have gone, there's an my head it's somewhat akin to an out of season seaside town, less chance of wandering without the offer of boom boom, as they say and not a return to the boom siva scene of india through the haze of chillums...i let you work it out...

and three days of wandering bangkok has been enough...i know i'm back here in january and can do the sightseeing stuff then, i'm just not in the mood for a big predacious city at this point in time and so tomorrow, he says hopefully, should begin the wander up north...whether it's on the early train depends upon the band through the wall...although it seems to be guitar and saxaphone tonight which may be a little better...

ah. but it has been quite cool to through chinatown, alleys strewn with memories, the scents of time past, (so that's me managed to paraphrase o'casey and proust in the one blip, fairly impressive in a pretentious kind of way). and the first of the rambling passages...

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