Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

A Very Welcome Visitor……

…who has found his feet!

I woke this morning with the phone. It was the hospital saying that someone would be down at 11.30am to see me. Although the phone woke me I felt reasonably refreshed; a first in a long time that has happened.
Got up and stotted about. Something was different and I couldn’t work it out at first. Then I realised that I didn’t have a sore stomach and my head wasn’t as sore. The dizziness was still there though.

With a bit of trepidation I ate a slice of toast and for the first time in 8 days I drank a whole cup of tea. Progress!

Showered and for the first time in 8 days got dressed (apart from an hour going to the GP), I then realised I physically felt much better. No cold/hot sweats/shaking. So hopefully that is the previous drug out my system.
The new meds are two at night and one in the morning. A lot higher than the previous one, so fingers crossed.

The visit was good with the OT who is really nice.
Tomorrow it is the psychiatrist.

Kelly text and asked if she could come and see me today with Lewis and no drunken people! She feels really bad about that night but it definitely wasn’t her fault.

I started feeding Lewis and he fell asleep in my arms for the hour. So lovely. I can’t describe the feelings I have for Lewis; I have never experienced anything like this. Is it love?

The dizziness has continued today but I cope with that and again I have written this in stages.

Wait for it…………………

It’s been a good day!

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