The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the First Autumn

After months of believing that I was a 5 foot 6 bottled blonde with wobbly thighs and a great affection for trashy tv and Oreo biscuits, it turns out that I am actually my own individual person! I am extremely happy about this. However, this also means that mummy can leave and I have no way of knowing if she will come back. Daddy says that she has it too good at home and of course she'll always come back but just in case I hung off her neck all day and cried when she put me down.

Daddy was off work today and joined me and mummy in our favourite maternity pastime - walking and eating! This is my first Autumn and mummy and daddy are finding the colder days a challenge when it comes to dressing me. How many layers do I actually need? No one knows. But they like to try guessing which of my cries means that I'm too hot and which mean I'm too cold.

Daddy cooked me some broccoli tonight - yuk! I couldn't hide it up my sleeve quick enough!

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