Have a nice daye!

By Su5hma

Morning Light

As I was stopped at traffic lights this morning I managed to fire off a quick shot - really liked the look of the sky today. As it was supposed to be a photo soc session tonight I hadn't expected to need this shot! Unfortunately M put his back out yesterday and even after a physio session he was still in pain so didn't think it was wise to run the session as it was to involve smoke and light in amongst dirt tracks...

So instead I went to the pub with my work colleagues as one of the senior manager's was over from America - yup - any excuse for a few drinks - mainly coke though as most of us have a commute!

Then it was up to M's for an 'art' workshop - I have chosen my project and I am hopeful I won't balls it up!

Oh - and went back to the dentist yesterday - x-ray taken but am now hopeful no root canal or crown will be required!

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