Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward


The wind left a few to blip . . . I hope I sleep longer than five hours tonight . . . at least I got out for a bit today . . . Kathy's keeps giving me chores to do . . .

Today was Columbus Day Día de la Raza. Holiday for Federal employees . . .
I very sensitive issue with the indigenous peoples of the Americas - who are very protective of any pre-Columbian artifacts and human remains no matter how old. Reminds me of a question my mother-in-law asked when vising the recreation of the Icene village at Cockley Cley, "Who lived here? Indians? Where are they now? What happened to them?" My short answer was, "We're still here!" But it's a lot more complicated than that and that set me thinking . . . Picts, Celts, Britons, Romans, Jutes, Anglo-Saxons, Danes, Norsemen/Vikings, Normans (who were themselves descendants of Norsemen/Vikings) Then there are all the refugees who've arrived over the years beginning with Huguenots, Dutch . . . . . Who are we - really?

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