Childof theUniverse 1

By PetkinBrown

Chicken Licken ....❤️

And......I thought yesterday was a dismal wash out....!! I went to needlework this morning, which is held at a local farm....(Hence the Chicken-Licken, Cock-Lock and Turkey-Lurkey)....It was so wet that none of these birds wanted to leave the the stable block.....Reminded me of a childhood bedtime story that Dad used tell us...❤️
Spent an hour and a half in the garden, pruning trees and shrubs....I know in the pouring rain it does seem strange.....But tomorrow is bin day....Had no choice...!!
Then went over to the allotment....I had intended to dig over the patch that I had weeded last week....Not a chance...!! But I did find a few last tomatoes and several wonderfully fat Sweetcorn....Xx

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