A line allows progress.

By acircledoesnot


It takes a pretty good friend to model for pictures during a blizzard. :)

Now, on another note, I back blipped a couple of pictures. But I've been thinking lately, I'm so so busy with school and such, that I don't have the time to take pictures as much anymore. So I sort of feel pressured to take a picture every day, and then I take these pretty crappy pictures most days, and sometimes, when the mood strikes, I'll take a good picture, that gets posted on blip and hidden among all of the other sub par pictures I have taken on the rest of the days. And I don't like that. I don't want to keep taking bad pictures, but I also don't have the time to invest into taking a well executed picture every day.

I do want to keep taking pictures on a regular basis though. So I've decided to aim to take pictures at least twice a week. Hopefully this will work out in my favor. I'll feel less pressured to take pictures, and as a result, I will be able to create something I'm proud of on a more regular basis. This leads me to question if blipfoto is the right outlet for that kind of photographic practices. I never really comment on other people's photos anymore, which makes me feel bad, but I honestly don't have the time.

I'm going to see how things go, but unfortunately, I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be hanging around blip. I use my flickr account (www.flickr.com/awonderfulsplash) on a regular basis. I invite everyone to add me there if you have a flickr, please. We'll see how things go. :)

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