
By OldTimer

Foggy Morning

This morning was decidedly foggy and not all that warm. Decided it would be trees looming out of the fog. Take note of the 2 small deer off to the edge of the image. Tonight sky looking great but will stick with what I have got.

Busy day getting things done as am off to the Northern Regional Photographic Convention in Hamilton at 6am tomorrow. Wind predicted and am flying in a smallish plane. Not looking forward to that.

The upside as well as the speakers which I am looking forward to hearing is a visit to a tea estate. I will enjoy that as know nothing of tea growing.
Another exciting bit is I am staying with a cousin I have only seen about three times in the last thirty years so there will be some serious catching up.
Blipping will be sparse as probably wont get to load anything until next Monday night.
Until we meet again via the blip line enjoy your photography.

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