Simply Me

By Suze981


3648 days ago, the first ever blip was shared, and in 2 days time, on Saturday 18 October, Blipfoto celebrates its 10th birthday.

I have no idea how many blips there have been across the world in that time, but I'm proud to be a part of it. I have been part of the Blip community for the last 1055 days and it means so much to me. Through it I've seen some wonderful things, and connected with some amazing people. On top of that it's been a way for me to save my life so I remember not just the big important things in life, but also the little things that make each day remarkable.

As part of its birthday celebration, Blipfoto is asking its members to break out the balloons and cover Blipfoto in red balloons on the run up to the 18th.

This is my contribution, ably aided by my glamorous assistant (and friend) Susan.

Happy Birthday Blipfoto!

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