The Armory--Portland

The day dawned clear and sunny, the air washed clean by yesterday's rain. We were all up bright and early in order to take the dogs to the kennel for the day. They had to go to the vet's kennel because of Rusty's "issues". Apparently the regular kennel people can't accommodate the e-collar that Rusty must wear at all times. Dogs delivered, we set out for Portland and a play called "Typographer's Dream" at the Portland Center Stage.

Our plan , because it is what Anne and Harold have always done, was to have lunch inside the Armory, but since they were last there the cafe had closed and there was nothing to eat but a basket of snacks, so we went next door and had lunch at the Deschutes Brewery.

The play was amusing, thought provoking, and clever. Three characters, a typographer, a geographer, and a stenographer sit at a table and present a panel discussion about their respective jobs. But the "discussion" degenerates into personality conflicts, soul searching and insecurity amongst a group of people who thought they loved their jobs…

Back in Corvallis, we liberated our dogs from their cages runs at the vet's and took them for a walk, then drove back through the football game traffic and picnicking students. It's been a lovely "change of pace" day.

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