Straight Edge

Less a statement of intent and more the fact that I couldn't be bothered to scrub off the evidence of last night's gig at the Maze. I was impressed that Katie got the joke, mind ("some idiot on YouTube," the standard response when I enquire how she knows stuff) - it's funny how much of the old punk vocabulary has found it's way into everyday discourse... Nothing particularly punk about the gig, either. It was Withered Hand in his/their five piece band incarnatio - a bit of a contrast to when I previously saw just him and his guitar supporting King Creosote and Jon Hopkins a couple of years ago - so more indiepop with a folky edge. It was more the older, fatter and balder contigent of the Nottingham indiepop crowd in attendance too, but a decent crowd nontheless, given it was Wednesday, raining and a late(ish) finish...

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