wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

A cheerful start

As I walk to uni I pass a lot of gardens full of bright and cheerful flowers. It's good to start the day with this kind of small blessing.

This evening Ruth came round for our semi-regular Friday night movie sesh. Today's choice was Maleficent, after I requested something fluffy, amusing, not braindraining, but not necessarily a comedy. Good choice Ruth, was exactly what my Friday night needed. Cups of tea, chocolate brownies, and an interesting take on a well-known tale. We couldn't take our eyes off Angelina's cheekbones, she is made to be a Disney face. It was enjoyable, although pretty dark - I reckon kids would find it scary, even just because of the atmospheric audio if nothing else. But as an adult I liked their take on the story, even if some of the accents and effects weren't quite up to par. But those cheekbones. Wow.

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