
By Wooly2012

Happy Birthday me

Visited my elder brother in hospital today and saw a man outside smoking with his willy hanging out! OK so he was in dodgy hospital pj's but...

My darling son bought me the locket I had see.n on a facebook ad, but he didn't like it so he bought me this Silver one too. Which if I am being honest is much nicer than the one I liked so I blipped the one he liked
I now have two lockets and 6 photos to find for them!
The little plaque reads Happy 50th Sara Wooly 17th Oct

I am one very lucky 50 yr old lady.
Flowers from Church
Flowers, wine and Choc from my best friend
2 lockets and a cake (with a 5 and a 0 candle) from Lewis and Paige
box of chocolates from Ruth at craft
Orange, black and silver neckless and earrings set from Bev at craft
2 Pandora rings from my work colleagues
A cheque from my Mum to pay for a new gas cooker!
A meal out with my baby brother.... well as baby as a 47 yr old is lol
Talk about feeling loved. Thank you everyone that loves me.

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