Destination... my life

By apolonia


Amazing day in London.

After a few days of lovely weather, the rain woke me up this morning, which was easy to foresee as I was going to London for the whole day!

Journey took about two hours (almost as long as my flight from home to the UK), but time went really fast. I managed to do almost all of the planned things: walk to the Thames, pictures of the House of Parliment (each time in the rain, I am afraid), shopping on Oxford Street, quick bite in Chinatown and visit to the Royal Academy of Arts to see the Van Gogh exhibition. Exhibition was the highlight of my trip, and it definitely was worth waiting for over an hour and a half in the line for the tickets! Spent almost two hours or so exploring Van Gogh's life, letters and paintings.

On the way back, managed to pop in to the British Museum, but as always had no time to see much. Another reason to come back and visit London again!
Soon, I hope.

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