CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Leaving Oban

Very changeable weather clearing by mid afternoon.

We joined up with our son and his family and headed for Oban. It took a while for me to get used to the hired car, a Renault Clio, with all sorts of modern equipment but it was a beautiful drive through spectacular countryside, despite the rain showers.

We called in at the Cruachan Hydro Electric power station. This was the first power station in the world to adopt a reverse function of the turbines, i.e. after they were driven by water from a reservoir high up on Ben Cruachan to provide a top up to the National Grid during peak times, they then pump water back up to the reservoir from Loch Awe during the night. It was an awe inspiring engineering feat. If you want to read more see here.

We then caught the Ferry at Oban for Mull and the photo shows a view of the town as we sailed out. Finally, we arrived at the caravan, feeling rather tired. One surprise was that there is now wifi available.

In other news, I visited the Pacemaker Clinic yesterday and discovered, rather disappointingly, that the operation I had a couple of weeks ago had failed. I will need to see the Consultant again to see if they have any other options.

Looks like a bit of a storm is hitting us now hitting us. Hopefully it will die awahy soon.

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