She's Got Skills

Look what Sugar learned to do while I was away. Seriously....she couldn't do this when I left on Tuesday.....and BAM, I come back Friday.....and she can roll her tongue. I've been trying to do this for YEARS.....and no such luck. She has skills.

I got up early to I could spend some time with my girly before dropping her at school. Then, I jetted to work where I hammered out a bazillion things. It was my chance to get things done, as I will be off of work alllllllllllll next week. It is finally time for my big 40th birthday trip. A friend and I are going to Hawaii on Sunday. We were supposed to go to Cabo....but well....a hurricane destroyed it about a month ago, so we scrambled and made new plans.....and now a hurricane is heading for Hawaii this weekend. GREAT........I am cursed. will be fine....right?

I nabbed Sugar from a friend's house after I finished up at work, and we ran home to pack some more. She will spend the week at my brother's house again. So many things to remember to pack for both her and I. Then I spent some time with The Hubby, and now I just posted the last 6 days of blips.

I will be gone for awhile.......Aloha, everyone.

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