Jeannette's Journal

By jeannette1968


Today we went to Lelystad. There's an outlet store village and my daughter (13) never been to an outlet before, probably thought she could buy the stores half empty with her 55 euro (about 75 dollar!!). I tried very often to tell her that even an outlet isn't that cheap. But since I'm her mom and even more I'm 42 (what do I know?!) she will not hear. So we went this morning to show her what it's all about. Guess what? She now knows (even if she will not admit) that it's all about money....lots of money. Even at an outlet. She bought 2 jeans and now she's broke. And for her that's not a joke! (I secretly laughed my pants off, seems mom knows more after all). While driving back we came to a stork breeding center. To bad these birds are very shy so I couldn't make a better pic than this. After I took this picture I tried to get closer but one of them flew away. I didn't want to disturb their nesting so I left. Glad to have at least this blip.

best view in large

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