Scattered Polaroids

By sp

We had a day out in Richmond. We almost didn't make the train though - Graham had to run and jump. First stop was a new shop where we got super excited about all the bargains. Next was a pastry stop in our favourite pastry place.

The weather was supposed to be awful all day, but it was still lovely when we'd finished eating, so we had a walk along the river and went to feed the squirrels in the gardens. They definitely liked my mum's cinnamon birthday cake. There was also a tiny puppy that looked like a fluffy cloud and was super excited to see us (I melted inside).

Back into town, we looked in lots of lovely shops, I bought my first Christmas present of the year (it's for you Pose), we lusted after fancy squashes in the Wholefood Market, and had a quick trip around the green before heading home.

In the evening we went for a meal in Wokingham. It was delicious, but we decided against dessert. In the end we had to wait ages for a train home, and I think we slightly regretted our dessert decision.

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