Waiting to see the Pelicans being Feed

(Back Blip from my trip to Australia in August) .

Today we meet up with a person from Flickr who lives in New Zealand and we just happened to be at Surfers that same week. First of all we went up to the top of the Q! building. Then we visited the seafood market before having lunch, followed by watching the feeding of the Pelicans at Labrador Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

We had a fantastic day together and it was great to catch up again as Jocelyn.. same name as me, lives in the North Island and meet up couple of years ago when she was in Christchurch.

The Pelicans start arriving about 30min before for the Charis Seafood back doors open which is about 1.30pm every day except Monday for their fed of fish. The fish carcass are tossed into the air and it is great watching them.. most get one fish and move off but some wait around for some more!

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