
By analogconvert13


This afternoon I had a little time to stick my head in at the big Fall camera show up in Wakefield.  Dealers come in their trucks from all across the country to display their wares.  It has always seemed to me that they come for the annual get-together with their buddies as much as to sell photographic goods.  They stroll around from booth to booth chit-chatting with each other and aren't particularly interested in potential customers until serious questions are asked.  There was something particularly forlorn-looking about this case full of old Nikon cameras.  The little pride of Leicas and their lenses reign supreme cocooned in red velvet, prices through the roof, looking smugly over at the hundreds of Japanese film cameras from the 70s and 80s bundled into glass cabinets with no dignity.  These were the tough reporters' tools that stole the market away from Leitz with their TTL metering and lower price.  Now digital technology has passed them by.  I hear that the new generation of young photographers is fascinated by film technology and that film will never die.  It would be impossible to even consider the concept of Blipfoto without digital capture.  How would one post a photo a day when one has a whole roll of film to be developed?  But I miss film...

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