Nothing is worth more

By libbys

A quartet of cyclists

...well three of this happy quartet (spot the blipper) actually took the bus today, out to North Berwick, for a fundraising coffee morning for Malawi run by the local school. However, one of the quartet and myself had a blustery but lovely run out by the coast all the way from Fisher Row in just over two hours - all the odds seemed against it this morning when I woke to snow but Jessie was game for a run and off we went. The easterly wind then blew us nearly all the way home.

Many of the side roads were heavily flooded and the fields behind North Berwick in some cases were wee lochans. Snowdrops in all the woods and along the verges, curlew crying in the salty wind. Rollers were riding across the harbour and right up to the steps by the Hope Rooms.

On the way home, just by Dalkeith Country Park, we had to dismount and clamber with our bikes up onto the verge as the road was deeply flooded. The verge would have made a good propaganda poster for those who would like to encourage healthy eating... coke cans, plastic irn bru bottles, empty pizza boxes, chocolate biscuit wrappers...I dont think in one hundred yards of litter we spotted one item that you could associate with healthy food - bit of a depressing reflection on the Scottish diet unfortunately.

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