autumn for real

Some horrible weather today. Strong wind. Heavy rain.

Don't be fooled by the blue sky in the Blip. It's not cold, so that's good!

The kind of day when you need waterproofed head to toe, just to to get from the front door to the car. Good thing I took full advantage of the weather window yesterday.

Yesterday was the day when the boats get lifted out of the harbour for the winter. Hence the Blip. It's one of those sad events in the calendar - another summer season over and winter around the corner. Short days. Long dark nights.

All the red balloons on Blipfoto recently put me in mind of this

Red Balloons

She seemed pretty cool in 1983-4.

I'm off to Bavaria again next weekend. Better get back to some language practice. Neun und neunzig is a number I never have a problem with. Funf und funfzig is another - but I can never say it right (especially after a beer).

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