A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Birthday Party Girl

The last of the weekend of celebrations was Anna's Laser Tag party for her 9th birthday. This photo both shows how incredibly lucky we were with the weather and how much the birthday girl enjoyed it. Anna gets introduced to such things by benefit of having an older sibling but the majority of the girls from her year she invited are the eldest ones themselves. I could well be misattributing things but they also have a general tendency towards being less adventurous around this sort of thing. Well, they did. I am delighted to say that even the one who turned up in the prettiest of party dresses (we had been very explicit about the party activity) had a fabulous time and ran off asking her parents for a laser tag party for her birthday. They were all wonderful and Anna had a really wonderful time.

And now a final check of the boy's suitcase, a packed lunch to be made and an early night to prepare for his early start for his week away.

There were times in the run up when I was slightly dreading how we would get through this weekend of 2 birthdays and a wedding and not completely mess something up or collapse from exhaustion but from this joyous position on Sunday evening I can happily say that it has just been a weekend of nothing but joyous celebrating with many family and friends of all ages.

Lesley x

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