Who gets a badge next time?

Sunday evening - should we go to the theatre and listen to a talk by Tobias Rawet, a survivor from the Lodz Ghetto, and Ravensbruk concentration camp?
In the end we decided we would. There may not be many chances left to hear living testimony from such terrible events. It was definitely the right choice.
Tobias was an excellent speaker and showed several interesting pictures (See Janet H's "A Night to remember") but I chose this image showing him aged 5, when he entered the Lodz Ghetto. He was one of over 60,000 children who went into into the ghetto. By the end of the war fewer than 100 were still alive.
Tobias talked mainly of those long-ago events in the 1940's, but his talk was also very relevant for the times we live in and he made that very plain.
Have you heard anyone suggesting that many of our society's problems are caused by outsiders, or certain religious groups, or certain "worthless" groups within our society? Perhaps that some groups are worthy and valuable, whereas other groups are less so. Beware people with these ideas. Once you get started it can be hard to stop and all the following groups were considered "worthless" or the cause of society's problems by the Nazis...
Homosexuals, the work shy, antisocial elements, mentally handicapped, mentally sick, alcoholics, beggars, intellectuals, aristocrats, pacifists, prostitutes, gypsies, race traitors, those refusing to serve in the military, Freemasons, communists, liberals, anarchists, Social Democrats, union activists, Jehovah's Witnesses, religious dissidents, bible scholars, and Jews.
Each one got their own badge to wear in the camp.
I wonder who will get badges next time?

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