A grand day out

An early start as daughter number 3 who started a new job last Monday had to be on a plane out of Heathrow to Boston Sunday evening. (I can't keep up with the international jet setting offspring!).
After we had waved them off at 8.30 we headed off to Fountains Abbey in North Yorkshire. Son in law Mike had never been before and it didn't disappoint. The Abbey was resplendent in the autumn sunshine with weird light showers that gave us a rainbow to set it off.
A walk past the water gardens and back - with a stop off at the cafe overlooking the lake towards the deer park at Studley Royal. There's a reason it's a world heritage centre. Stunning.
We bumped into two of our friends who are volunteer guides for the national trust. I can see why they willingly give up their time - that and having been history teachers.
End of the afternoon we arranged to meet daughter number 2 and family for a meal in Harrogate. Jamie's Italian. A lovely way to end the weekend. Home to put small boy straight to bed and to collapse on the sofa. Where do these kids get their energy?
Almost impossible to choose a photo but this one of Ellie acting the goat captures the atmosphere nicely.

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