Northern Exposure

By Northern

What to do with the kids in the Summer holidays!

Bored, moaning kids? Fed up listening to them?

We have the solution... a cage in the garden. Orders taken, delivery may take a while.

Nibbler is now big enough to go out in the garden during the day. Problem is he doesn't realise he's a duck adn wont go and hang out with them. Which leaves him vulnerable to the psychopathic chickens! Who will have a go at anything that dares to stray into their territory. The ducks fend them off... it's like West Side Story out there some days. But Nibs isn't part of the gang yet.

So, in order for him to get used to being with the other ducks without being in mortal danger we've built him a pen. He can see the ducks, they can get used to him and hopefully let him join their gang.

Even whilst we were building this pen for him one of the crazy chicks had a go at him, pecked a chunk out of his beak. Nasty birds.

The boys kept him company for a while. We felt rotten leaving him round there. Especially when he just sat and looked in through the kitchen window for ages. Poor wee duck!

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