
By Hirundo

Rivers Of Blood

From Towton Hill. And I'm not referring to Enoch Powell's infamous speech...

The Battle of Towton was fought during the English Wars of the Roses on 29 March 1461; Palm Sunday. The bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil.

The Yorkists won, but only after hours of hand-to-hand fighting in a snow storm. Many Lancastrians were killed while fleeing; some trampled each other and others drowned in the rivers, which are said to have made them run red with blood for several days.

Fittingly, I was on my way to Wakefield to observe D, one of the paramedics on the Leeds clinical education course, running a workshop. On dealing with catastrophic bleeding...

Tomorrow, J and I are off to defend the borders again in Northumberland. Without too much bloodshed, all being well.

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