Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Lower Hattons Bridge, Shropshire Union Canal

It's now that time of year when I can get up, go for a swim and still be waiting around for sunrise to take place. As I walked out of the gym at 7:10 am I just knew we were in for some fireworks above. It didn't disappoint.

After that it was off to work and a training day on 'The Art of Brilliant Leadership'. Sounds very grand but the principles are sound. Positivity abounds and ensuring that you create the right environment for you and your team to flourish.

One exercise was to write down 20 things that made you feel good or positive; I have to admit that this sunrise was certainly one of them for today. The trainer wants us to repeat this exercise every day for a fortnight. If we do we are promised a profound change in our outlook and the way we tackle the daily routine. It surely can't hurt to try, can it?

Oh, and one of my other items on the list was Blipfoto.

Technical: a 3 Stop Lee Hard Grad Filter to control the sky. Into Lightroom and minimal shadow and highlight adjustment and sharpening. That's all.

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