
By eightthirty

Happy Blip10

8:30am and feeding the Bairns.

Mrs theWeir is home from nightshift and off to sleep and I'm trying to get a bunch of things done before we leave the house.

Seemed to work - washing on, everyone fed, lunch packed and off we went. A wee jaunt via car/train to Edinburgh to pursue a bad cop and spectate on a new apple.

Then home via food-retailing establishments before an afternoon of relative quiet.

A visit from most excellent friends topped off a good day.


The balloon? Because Blipfoto is ten years young.

It seemed fitting to include the balloons that are still going strong after the wee-estWeir's recent birthday.

Thanks teamBlip and the Blipcommunity for general awesomeness.

I opted for the shot with my hand, rather than without it. Seemed right to represent the people who make Blip what it is.

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