and through the wire...

By hesscat

Secret Squirrel

As I wandered lonely as a cloud to collect Mrs C's car, I stopped at this tree which always amazes me. I don't know how old it is but the old fence wires go right through it and out the other side... that's gotta be a long time? 100 years?

Anyway, just after this photo, I heard the rustling to the left of the trunk and noticed a squirrel and took several more, although he was behind the leaves or disappearing just up out of shot, so thought I'd missed my chance.

I continued with my journey and got several other blip-candidates but it wasn't until reviewing them on the big screen that I noticed squirrel was in my first shot - woohah. When things like that happen, there can be no argument over which photo is the chosen one... I just need to plan another day to retake the ones that missed out.

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