Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Happy birthday Papa

Today was my dad's 50th birthday and (in what was possibly a first for my family), he got a homemade cake, courtesy of the lovely Acronymphomania. The only bit I did was the icing writing that looks like a 5 year old did it. ;) There was much debate about the cake and certain's people's belief that it cakes have to be coverd in frosting for them to be considered birthday cakes, but since my dad absolutely hates thick frosting on cakes, we went with the light version.

My dad got a brand new SLR for his birthday from my mum, Photoshop Elements 8 from me and a giant harddrive from my aunt and uncle. So he better enjoy his camera or the other presents will all go to waste. ;)

We had a really lovely afternoon round at my parents with my family and it's the first time A has really met them all in a proper family situation and all seemed to go well. Not that I expected it wouldn't!! Everyone seems to get on which is the most important thing.

Tonight's dinner will hopefully be less stressful than last nights and we're having lovely liver and bacon, followed by left over cake and some rubbish Sunday night TV.

Then back to the grind tomorrow morning. Although being as I'm only going to be there for another month, every day sort of feels like the last day of term. :)

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