The Light

Ishome - Ken Tavr (Fuselab)

Fully recovered. Energy back. Good.

After work I went for a jog, double good.

Decided to walk around the city because there was a restaurant promotion. Went around taking photos for a black and white challenge as well as for blip and just took pictures of rubbish. Tried to take pictures of people but they just looked like generic garbage. Steve McCurry is a major inspiration and I wish I could just go up to people and start talking. I realized psychologically I don't really have a backbone when it comes to such thing, and you probably notice that most of my pictures are of inanimate objects or myself. It's better that way because I don't have to deal with the trouble. I'm awful with people except for friends, but it gets annoying when I take photos of them. Subconsciously I know that I'm awful at just getting things that I want. It's so simple yet so difficult. Well, thankfully my brain is telling me this so I can improve on it. Then I walked around and saw the light, literally, and took a photo of it.

I wanted to go to Universal Studios yesterday by myself, creepy I know, but having to explain how much I love Friday the 13th and putting up with criticism or fake nods is something I don't need unless it's a means to an end, and when it comes to movies, it's really a waste of time, and most of the time when you're talking with someone who sees eye to eye, it's an exercise in futility unless you're actually in the industry trying to change it. I don't do anything for the film industry except financially support it as an end-user. I tend to go on passionate rants about movies to everyone and anyone and forget that some people just don't give a shit. So fuck it, I went to Universal Studios by myself and had a grand old time.

The older you get, the more we can convince ourselves of the legitimacy of our childish behavior with fancier words and pretty passages. When a child doesn't want to spend time doing certain things, they're punished, then when we become adults we just don't bother with putting up appearances for the sake of our own inner comfort. Man, some of the people that I've met (albeit not many) are baffling! I keep forgetting that it doesn't matter and really, I should be ruder to people that I actually hate. But then again, what goes around comes around. Being blunt, truthful or fake is a difficult choice. Poise and tactfulness I suppose, and clearly I'm not smart if I've only come to this realisation, but some people do this so naturally it's startling.

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