Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto

Bob's Cessna

Bob is a pilot in Vale, Oregon, and does some flying for the local sherrif's office, search and rescue and other stuff I imagine. He also flies for an organization called Forget Me Not, similar to Make-A-Wish. I was photographing him for an article in Flight Training Magazine (October). He recently flew to western Oregon to pick up an elderly man who used to be a pilot. They flew around, he let the man fly the plane, make a couple landing and take-offs. They videotaped the flight as well. The man really enjoyed the flight and the opportunity to fly again. The man died a couple weeks later. A sad tale, but a happy one that he was able to do what he loved one more time and relive a bit of his youth.

This is a test shot for the portrait session at the side of Bob's hangar which also looked to be from the 1950s. The plane is a 1956 Cessna 182.

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