Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Paper Flowers

There are always flowers for those who want to see them ~ Henri Matisse

Had an awful migraine again from 2.30am - so much for me thinking the feverfew leaves and magnesium were working, I've only been headache/migraine free since Thursday, not even a full week. Time to see a Dr I think, especially after my thoughts in the early hours of this morning while going through the attack. I really can't handle the intense pain anymore, and trying to cope with day to day things while I have a headache or migraine is becoming too much now. Living on daily doses of paracetamol is no longer helping and can't be good for my ulcers either.

It's eased a bit this morning so I've been making some paper flowers to go with this handmade Christmas gift, but I'm thinking it's too big, even although it's quite small so back to the craft table.

You lot out there reading my journal must think I'm a wreck health wise as I'm always complaining of some or another ailment but this is a way for me to document it rather than complain and tell the world.

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