The Chancel, Michaelhouse Chapel, Cambridge.

The chapel is still used for services and as a parish hall. It also has a community café which I often visit. This is a view of the Chancel from the Nave which is the café area. The choir stalls date back to the reign of Edward IV and were made from 12 oaks from Walden and originally installed in Trinity College chapel. The Reredos (altarpiece) was designed by George Gilbert Scott jr, 1839-97, and was restored in 2007. John Fisher, Master of Michaelhouse in 1497 was opposed to Henry VIII over the divorce of Katherine of Aragon and subsequent proclamation of the Royal Supremacy. It cost him his life when he died on the block on Tower Hill on June 22nd 1535. He was proclaimed a Saint in 1939 and is considered an awe inspiring Alumnus.

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