beauty of the nature

By Hadi

HDR portrait!

it's so gloomy/cloudy/rainy in the two recent days, and it's so depressing/uninspiring for me! so today also i have to take another indoor blip!

it was a while i wanted to photograph a 3D/HDR portrait because i had n't seen any and i wanted to experiment it too! but it was almost impossible 'cause i could n't find any model who can stay steady in the exact pose for several shots!

tonight Ali was here, and he slept here too! he's so steady while sleep (nothing like my childhood, i used roll around and sometimes i even would exit my room and wake up in the other rooms! but wouldn't walk!) so suddenly i got the idea to photograph him in HDR! i took my camera and tripod! there was a fine light coming inside from the window and that was enough! i used several exposures and the output came out better even if i'd tried it with natural light (personally i like the light on his face!)

hope sun comes out tomorrow and take my camera out (she's bored)!

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