Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


A day of ups and downs, started the day getting lost in Cheshire, might have fared a little better had the office supplied the correct postcode, eventually found the hotel half an hour after the conference had started so crept silently to the back of the room, that was a waste of time as ten minutes later they called me forward to receive one of four excellence of service awards, bit of a surprise as I hadn't Benin given a heads up. Following a decent lunch and a lot of talk I hit the road home, have you ever hit the M62 at rush hour, two hours to do fifteen miles, no wonder our tempers were frayed ( mrs scared came along for the ride and spent the day being pampered at a very posh country house nearby), ended the day with supper at a Yeadon Fish & chip emporium but even the ice cream didn't sweeten the mood, I now sit in silence, she'll come round! Never got the chance to take any proper shots today so here's a quickey on the phone.

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