A dark day in Canada

"It doesn't happen here."

It couldn't happen here."

But it did.

A lot of Canadians like me have been under the naive illusion that terrorism won't put it's ugly foot in our country. That we're insulated from the despicable acts that have occured in other western countries.

Today showed us that it's not the case.

An honour guardsman standing vigil at our war memorial in Ottawa was shot down and later died in what can only be assumed to be a pre-meditated manner. The gunman then ran into the Parliament building before being killed by the security forces there. Reports indicate that he was only a few metres away from the Prime Minister at the time.
Serious questions need to be asked about his ease of entry into our Parliament.

The dark irony of some-one being killed while guarding the memorial to those who fought to prevent things like this are not lost on me.

It will be a different Canada tomorrow....

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