Bus Challenge No 36!

Twice in one week, I know!! Am trying to cram in a few visits before everything shuts down for Winter at the end of next week...

But today probably has to be my shortest bus challenge to date, and my least successful, from both an interesting outing and a blip opportunity point of view!

This morning I took an early bus into Bristol with my friend J, with the aim of visiting both The Red Lodge Museum and The Georgian House Museum. We'd set off early as J was expecting an afternoon visit from the plumber, so we arrived at The Red Lodge Museum shortly after the doors opened. However, we'd been beaten to it by a large school party so photo opportunities were extremely limited.

Not to worry I thought, there'll be plenty of opportunities at The Georgian House Museum, but we'd just arrived at the museum's front door when at 11.15am J's plumber called to say he'd be at her house in 10 minutes! So we had to abandon our visit and 'sprint' across the centre of Bristol to catch the first bus back to Bath, after only an hour in Bristol!

So I'm afraid I can only give you a glimpse into the Great Oak Room at The Red Lodge, the last complete Tudor room in the UK. It took two whole years to put the Great Oak Room together from 1578 to 1580. What you can't see behind the door is the work of the top craftsmen of the day: intricately carved oak, beautifully sculpted stone and a stunning moulded ceiling. You also can't see a room full of little kiddywinkles having an awful lot of fun dressing up in Tudor costumes!!

Total bus journey time = 50 mins

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