Derelict Thursday - Ocean City

Order, order.
The inaugural meeting of the BBC (Blipfoto Buddleia Club) is now in session. Let's start with the Constitution:

Rule 1: You don't talk about the BBC.
Rule 2: Members of the BBC will attempt to introduce Buddleia davidii into all of their derelict Thursday blips.
Rule 3: Two rules are enough for anyone.

In that Golden Age bubble (1958-2008) it seemed like such a good idea - open a swanky new nightclub to cater for all the seafaring types ... in Nottingham. Sadly, the anticipated crowds of salty seadogs failed to materialize and Ocean City had to close its doors, since when it has been quietly rotting. But there is good news. A large banner on the front of the building announces that it has been sold, so we can anticipate that it will shortly be reopening as ... what do we think? A Starbucks? Subway? Tesco? What does Nottingham need more of?

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